Kimberly 28th March 2008

I thought of you when baby Randell was born, wishing he could be held by you, I know you were there though. I missed you on your birthday. It is horrible how mom and raquel are treating eachother in your absence. I wish there were something I could do to make things better for them both. The pain they are going through is so unbearable. I wish you were here so badly lil brother. You need to straighten ppl out. You always could. It is taking me a lot to not tell ppl certain things, like raquel, but I know you would not want me to so I haven't and I won't for as long as I can stand it. Please don't be too disapointed in me if I do though. The disrespect is awful and I know you would not stand for it. I am being focused on my beautiful baby boy, and you would be surprised as to how mom has taken to him. Things happen for a reason I guess, but it's not fair that your life was taken, regardless of the reason. I love you!!! Please continue to watch over your nephew and his mama, like I know you have been. Hopefully Joshua and Randell will be close.