Tonya 18th April 2008

I can't believe I haven't seen you in six months. It's even harder to believe that your gone. I guess I still haven't truely excepted that. I miss you so much Randell. I wish you could see your new nephew. He's so adorable. I see your girls a lot now and they talk about you all the time. They really miss you and they still don't understand why you had to go to heaven. I don't know what to say when they ask me. I just tell them that god needed you to come up there for a while and that if you had a choice, you would have stayed right here with us. Jeremiah misses you too. He thinks about you everytime he sees one of the guys you hung out with. You can see it in his face. Joshua is getting so big. He's like a midget bully. He tries to beat up the other kids. It's funny watching him because he always looks back to see who's watching and smiles really big when he's doing something he's not supposed to do. It reminds me of you. Your mom's doing better. This is still WAY to much for anyone to go through but she's strong. She's going to be ok. And for the record, you were right. Your mom can hold her own. She's a trooper. I still think about you everyday and I talk about you all the time. I'm still really tore up about what happened to you but I know that your happy now and I know your in a better place. I try to remember that on the bad days. I miss talking to you the most. You always had a way to TALK me into being in a good mood when things weren't going right. I could have told you that my house blew away in a storm and you would have tried to talk me into believing it was no big deal and that everything was fine, I miss that. I hope you enjoying your stay up there in those clouds. I know we will meet again. Until then, I love you.