Kimberly 17th April 2008

I can't believe it has been 6 months today that you left us and went home to GOD's house. I miss you so much. Baby Randell sit's in his swing in front of the TV and he stares at the picture of you and mom more than he is interested in the TV. And sometimes he will be looking off at nothing and just smile away. I believe you are here and he see's you. You would be so proud to call him your nephew. I miss and LOVE you so much, and I wish you were here. But if wishes were horses, beggars would ride, right? Anyway, I am here to ask you a favor baby brother. Will you put a word in to GOD to keep my son safe and healthy? Tell him I couldn't take it if I lost him too. I pray to him that he is going to be ok, but I know you have some pull up there. Thank You, I love you!!!