Coochy coo..........LOL

2007 October

Created by Kimberly 16 years ago
I remember the day Randell was comming over to borrow something, (as usual LOL) he was in a REALLLY good mood that day, being his energetic goofy self, and my mom told him if he wanted the cat for Raquel and the boys (the infamous "Bubbles" which we got back.) he had to take it then! He wasn't ready for that though. Him and Eric Perschke were on their way to pick up the pool table. There was a cat tower to pick up too for the cat that Randell had bought, but he never came and got it after dropping it off here so Tonya and Mark ended up with it. ANYWAY I had just gotten my first ultrasound picture done and it looked like the baby was holding up his middle finger. LOL Randell really got a kick out of that. He turned around to me with that big grin of his and said " my sister's finally gonna be a mom" and then bent down by my stomach and took his finger and lightly scratched my belly and said "coochy coochy coo" and we both laughed. He would have loved his nephew, I just know it. I can't believe how excited he was that I was gonna have a baby, I didn't even see that kind of reaction when he found out he was having kids. It will always be in my mind as a special time because this was also the last time I seen him face to face. But we did hug that day and told eachother we loved one another. So I have that right? Funny about the cat though, Randell was actually gonna put that poor kitten in the back of Eric's truck in a shoe box! I told him he better not and he laughed and put it in the front of the truck. Then he turned his back for a sec, I think he forgot something, and the cat got out of the box. LOL